Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cold weekend - Feb. 21st and 22nd

It has been really cold here this weekend. So aside from going to the orphanage we have been staying in. Fortunately I made a large pot of beef vegetable soup Saturday, so there was no need to go to the market.

During the visit on Saturday we stayed in the music room the whole time. The wind was blowing and the room was really cold. Elona showed us her talent for cart wheels and back bends before we settled into the usual, playing UNO, reviewing a little English, and playing I Spy on the wooden floor. Good-byes and ‘we will see you tomorrow’.

Sunday was not as windy, but just as cold. Roger and I both dressed warmer in preparation of the cold music room. As soon as we got there Elona said ‘Hi, I am Elona Marie Holliday” with a huge smile. Then she immediately wanted to go outside, soon we knew why, she was putting on rollerblades. She put them on in the 2nd floor dorm and proceeded to walk down the concrete steps in them. Outside the sun was shining and it was not as windy. We walked around the building as she skated. She does pretty good, especially considering all the gravel and holes in the surfaces. We walk up around the school. School is still closed for ‘quarantine’, which make her very happy – normal kid.

Back inside, we had brought the laptop with us and a couple beginning learning CD’s that Pam had loaned to us. It only took a little while for her to get the hang on it, with help from us. She really enjoyed it and we did that most of the afternoon before playing a couple quick games. Then it was time to leave for the bus. As usual we exchange lots of hugs and kisses.

Tomorrow we are hoping to find out our court date and for warmer weather.

Kelley and Roger


  1. Hi Kelley and Roger!
    I am enjoying reading your blog posts. As you know, Ben is here spending the weekend with Kevin and they just bumped me off the computer so that they could update their DS's--such are the priorities in the life of 13-year-old boys. Is Elona electronic game savvy? If not, we are going to need to take care of that so that she has something to talk to her big brother about.

    I thought that I would give Aunt Cathy a break and help Ben out with his Cell Model project. After hearing his description of his involved plans, I now know why Kevin and Ben are friends. THEY MAKE EVERYTHING AS COMPLICATED AS POSSIBLE! Kevin's involves 50 steps with styrofoam and play-doh. Ben says his will be totally edible, lots of candy, caramels and licorice. Still, I was willing to dive in and help, until Ben told me the base would be a cake, but that he would have to bake a preliminary cake just to better plan the whole thing out. In his words, "there is no way this will be finished today.' So, I have decided to save that project as a bonding experience between Ben and is Aunt Cathy.

    I know I said I would do what I can to support you and help Ben out while you were gone, but supervising two Cell Models from two intricate thinkers is in my mind going above and beyond the call of duty.

    Good luck with the process!
    Keep writing and we'll keep reading!
    Karen Bradner

  2. Isn't it so cool that really you don't need words to communicate! That amazed me during our first few times alone with Angella too - and even once home. I was worried that the "language barrier" would be just that - but instead it really wasn't a big deal at all. Hoping for good news on Monday! Pam

  3. Hi:

    Do you know of the free website It is a reading website that will help her with phonics. Check it out if you can access it while you are there.
    I loved her announcing her name. It is a beautiful one. Renee
